NYC Family Law Lawyers
NYC family law lawyers can provide legal assistance for a variety of different issues, including divorce, child custody, child support, and adoption. If you have questions related to family law issues, you should seek out an NYC family law lawyer for legal advice. A family law lawyer will know the law and can advise you about what it will take to achieve the result you are seeking. They can represent you in your case and guide you through the process.
NYC family law lawyers can represent parties when they are going through a divorce. Legal representation during a divorce is important because an attorney will protect your interests and make sure you are treated fairly. Divorce often involves complex questions about division of property, debt and support. These issues are governed by laws that can be complex. An NYC family law lawyer will know how the law applies to various situations and will help ensure that your case complies with the law.
In some situations, a family law attorney can help a spouse pursue spousal maintenance or alimony against the other spouse. Eligibility for spousal maintenance depends on a variety of circumstances. If you are eligible for spousal maintenance, you must also establish the sufficient amount and length of time in should be paid. NYC family law lawyers will be able to assist with answering these complicated questions.
Child Custody
Child custody disagreements can create a lot of stress and tension. Because parents care about their children, child custody battles can become very heated. Child custody cases are subject to legal requirements and burdens of proof. In general, the court will seek out a custody arrangement that serves the best interest of the child. This standard encompasses many different elements that can be considered by the court.
NYC family law lawyers will be able to review your situation and identify evidence that can be used to argue your position. While each custody situation is unique, many of the relevant factors are applicable in most situations. A lawyer can help you present information about the parent’s characters, circumstances, limitations, and other important facts. They will argue on your behalf to seek out the custody arrangement that you believe serves the child’s best interest.
If you previously obtained a child custody order and circumstances have since changed, you may be able to pursue modification of the custody order. A family law attorney will be able to assess your situation to determine whether the changed circumstances allow for a request for modification.
Child Support
Child support determinations are subject to strict rules and may also consider other factors. If you are seeking child support, or have the other parent is seeking child support from you, a family law lawyer can help make sure the result falls within the legal confines of the law.
If child support was previously ordered, a family law attorney can review your case to determine whether child support needs to be modified. Modification may be pursued if there are changes in the custody arrangement or a parent’s financial circumstances have changed. A family law attorney can advise you as to whether child support modification is an option.
If you are in a situation where you are seeking to adopt a child, NYC family law lawyers can help you pursue the adoption in accordance with the complex legal requirements. Adoption can be a complicated process and issues can arise if it is not done correctly. By working with an experienced family law lawyer, you will reduce the chance of complications arising and will have greater peace of mind knowing that the adoption was completed correctly.
Experienced NYC family law lawyers from Spodek Law Group are available to assist with a variety of family law issues, including those discussed above. They can provide legal advice and guidance about your different options and the likely outcomes. They can represent you in your family law case and will zealously advocate on your behalf to achieve the fair and appropriate result. If you have family law questions or need an attorney, contact Spodek Law Group to schedule an appointment or receive a consultation.